Thursday, November 15, 2007

Where to meet a good woman/man

Although I think there are answers to that, I think the more important question, is when?

You tend to meet a good "partner" in life when you're really "doin' you." Not just partners, but especially good people that you get charged from. When you're focused on doing what you like, what's good for you, what makes you happy, etc., you tend to meet like-minded people...that's just the way it is. On top of that, you're more likely to be in an emotional, mental, and spiritual state to connecting with those type of people.

Doing what you love, makes you happy, etc. is stupidly hard though. Every day and within the moments that make up those days, you are faced with decisions and opportunities that together determine your life. Why I don't get into a good stretching/yoga session every day is beyond me. It's a simple 30 minute use of my time that will guarantee that I feel that much better throughout the day. The same goes for everything from the food we eat, the people we surround ourselves with, to the stupid little "to do's" that we do or do not do. But, when you're right in that zone, there's nothing more rewarding and natural.....but it's a fine line and one that is easily strayed from.

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