Sunday, December 9, 2007

living in a digital world - tha saga pt. 2

the saga continues....

i'd say about 3-4 months ago (you know how bad i am with time), OUT OF NOWHERE, all my playlists VANISHED!! I did NOTHING different. I was opening iTunes, it took WAY longer than usual, and when it opened, NO PLAYLISTS!! NONE!! GONE!!

I called Apple and they basically said that somehow my computer rewrote some .xml file that contains all that info. FUCK!!!!!

What can I do, but REDO MY ENTIRE LIBRARY AGAIN!!! I have no choice. I have to have my music organized like that or it's practically useless. AT LEAST, this time I knew to copy that .xml file into a few different places in case it happens again.

Problem is, now I have 35,000 songs!! Yeah, I estimated that at about 200 hours of work. REAL TALK!

So, again, not like I'm not on the fuckin' GRIND like thunder trucks all day, but I need to spend every spare second reorganizing my music.

"Cried two tears in a bucket....fuck it" right? Here we go again. (you like how i progress from no caps, so writing with 'em?)

I guess I'll stop here. Part 3 is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, so stay tuned......

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